Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Too Much Regulations

It always makes me laugh when the Republicans complain about too much regulation and it hampering business. And people just buy it up.

The whole reason that there is regulation is because at some point, people or businesses were taking advantage of something that was deemed not good for society as a whole. The regulations were put in to stop it.

Which the whole point of a government is to keep society safe from those that would exploit, or terrorize, the rest of society. But for some reason, what is good for society has taken a backseat and now its all for the individual and how dare the government do anything to stop that individual from doing whatever they want. It seems to me we're making a trip back into the feudal system as the extreme right takes over the government.

Its kind of like how people now have been pushed into hating the unions. You know those organizations that prevent businesses from exploiting their workers. That won many things that people take for granted today like a 40 hour work week instead of an 80 or100 hour workweek.

Just look at how willing the businesses are to pay pennies for jobs overseas and people being worked to death. If it weren't for unions/regulations, businesses would be doing it here happily.

And then there's griping about the Environmental Protection regulations. There was a time when you couldn't hardly see around Pittsburgh because of the poor air quality. Then cleaner air regulations went into effect and the air got a whole lot more breathable.

But of course, regulations are bad because society as a whole should not be protected against those that want to profit at its expense. So just you wait for the coming years with the Republicans in complete control of all aspects of the government, the smog shall return.

And if they could, they'd be ruling back minimum wage too.

Uncle Scrooge would be pleased that his 10 cents a day would be a good rate.

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