You know what kind of countries have the current leader charging the previous leader with criminal acts? Its the laughing stock countries. The ones that can't remain stable for more than a decade if that. It's usually among the countries south of the United States or in Africa or some in South Asia. or some of the island countries.
Well not to be outdone by those countries, the President of the United States has issued the banana republic charge against Obama. Without revealing a shred of proof he accuses Obama of wire tapping him.
Does he think he needs evidence? Of course not. Just say it enough times and people will eventually believe it. Its the only way this silver spooned half wit could have convinced people to vote for him and to continue to stand in awe of him and attend rallies for him
I don't understand these people. No politician is worth idolizing. They are all mostly lawyers who belong in the bottom of the sea. And he's worse then a lawyer because he's a CEO or former if you believe him when he claims he's handed it over to his children. To top that off he's had everything handed to him his entire life. His business was going bankrupt so daddy gives him millions to prop it up. That's why he whines that things aren't fair when a larger segment of the population voted for his opponent. Everything should always go his way and only 'yes sir' and 'how high sir' should be said to him according to his silver spooned upbringing.
The only positive thing about banana republics, the armies in those countries usually don't let half wits remain in power for long.
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