Friday, March 31, 2017

Putin denies Election meddling

Putin informed CNBC earlier that Russia did not meddle in the election.
"All those things are fictional, illusory and provocations, lies. All these are used for domestic American political agendas. The anti-Russian card is played by different political forces inside the United States to trade on that and consolidate their positions inside,"
Anyone believing him?

He also had to say
"[We know many Americans are] friendly towards the Russian Federation and I'd like to tell these people that we perceive and regard the United States as a great power with which we want to establish good partnership relations,"
Is that the same type of partnership that he has with the Ukraine? You know where he decided to annex part of their territory because he can? Maybe he could try to annex Alaska.

Maybe then Trump would have issues with him. Or maybe he'd just call it an iceberg and let them have it back.

I wonder what Putin thinks of the unrest going on in Russia. People are tired of the inequality in Russia and the nepotism. So protest crowds are forming and then being beaten up by the police and escorted to jail. And you don't even have to take part in the protest. You can walk out of a building and the police will kindly knock you to the ground and carry you to the police wagon.

Being President is hard, whines Trump

I can't believe because I was in the midst of finals and missed the quote of the Year by Trump. He thought the Presidency was going to b...