Tuesday, November 8, 2016

How did the Republican Party get so Crazy?

They go from being the party of Family Values to this monstrosity. With people walking around with t-shirts calling for the lynching of journalists. And they were offended by being called deplorable... It is a disgusting display. Instead of discourse, they begin to yell and scream at anyone that doesn't agree with them. And they look like crazy people.

Is it all because of Trump demonizing the journalists? By pointing to them at his rallies and shouting rigged?

Or is there another cause?

In my opinion, the problem began years ago when anyone who would negotiate with the other side was demonized. This despite 93% of the population wanting people who will compromise.

Now if someone like Arlen Specter were involved he would be challenged by a Tea Party favorite like Pat Toomey, and would never make it out of the primary. Because the Tea Party has driven sane people out of the Republican Party and they switched their status to independent. This has made the candidates that come out of primaries to be from the crazy wing.

Its just like how the PCUSA was changed from a conservative theological Christian branch to a Christian branch that leans liberal theologically. Conservatives fled the church and created their own denominations with each decision that they couldn't agree with.

The only way for the Republican Party to regain its sanity, is if the moderates who fled to return. Or else they will continue to go down the path of fringe party destined for oblivion and only winning as they do because of gerrymandering. Like Pennsylvania who has more Democrats than Republicans but they continue to have control of the state legislature even though there are more votes for democrats the past few elections.

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