Saturday, November 19, 2016

Democrats following the Republican Plan

So the Republicans have gone so far right that they run complete buffoons in the primaries. Now the Democrats are going to do the same only to the left by embracing Bernie Sander's pick to lead the DNC.

When the past election began I hoped that it wouldn't be Trump vs. Sanders because neither sounded good to me. The only way I would choose one or the other is if a gun was held to my head and I was told to choose or else.  I thought the choice was going to be Bush vs Clinton which didn't enthrall me at all but at least the choice wouldn't have been so disgusting. I hoped John Kasich would  get the Republican nomination because he was the only sane one running on the Republican side. And I would have voted for him.

But instead, we got the Clinton vs Trump hell...

So despite the fact Clinton got more votes than Trump and only lost because of a system that has been misused basically from day 1, the Democratic Party is going to throw out all sanity and run to the left. That's gone so well for them in the past.

Dear DNC, the sane people are in the center. That's why the Clinton years had the longest period in US history without a recession. 10 years. Last year of Bush when he broke his word and raised taxes, Clinton years, first year of Bush 2 when he wiped out the economy by insane tax cuts. But governing from the center is how the US prospers. When the good parts of the right and left are meshed together.

But you know, go ahead and run to the left and hopefully the party will go into oblivion. The same place I hope the Republican Party goes.

Someone needs to bring back the Whigs as a moderate party. Or Federalists. Or maybe just follow Washington's advice and obliterate all political parties.

Being President is hard, whines Trump

I can't believe because I was in the midst of finals and missed the quote of the Year by Trump. He thought the Presidency was going to b...