Wednesday, November 9, 2016

As much as I hate the tea party...

The liberal equivalent is just as bad. Several cities, all in liberal leaning states from my first glance, have passed soda taxes. Oh give me a break. So now that cigarettes have been shamed into having to go outside, liberals will commence going after soda pop.

Meanwhile, marijuana gets legalized. All it might do is put someone into a stupor while they're at work and if work is dangerous... it could cause a catastrophe because someone came under the influence and messed up.

Yep lets go after soda... A drink that only effects the health of the person drinking it. It doesn't cause anything to happen to anyone around the person. But we have to hold your hand because its not good for you and tell you no no no.

I hate the nanny state of Liberals.

I hate the selfish state of Conservatives.

Why do the politicians have to be from the extremes. Give us moderates please...

Being President is hard, whines Trump

I can't believe because I was in the midst of finals and missed the quote of the Year by Trump. He thought the Presidency was going to b...