So new polls show that 28% of Americans think the Democrats are in touch with the Average person. And 67% say it is out of touch with the average person. Only 52% of Democrats say the party is in touch with their concerns. 44% said it was out of touch with them. 18% thought the party was in touch with the average person. Independents say the party is 75% out of touch and 18% in touch.
In contrast, 32% think the Republicans are in touch with the average person and 62% say it is out of touch. 60% of Republicans think it is in touch and 30% say it is out of touch. Independents say it is 68% out of touch and 26% in touch.
So why is there such a large segment of the population who think both parties are out of touch? Because the parties are controlled by the fringes now. The center has lost control of the parties with the purges of the moderates in the early 2010s. Its now a seasaw of extremism.
The Democrats get in power and they want to hold everyone's hands and keep them safe from themselves. Like they want to make soft drinks taxed and force people to pay for health insurance. They also want to make sure that absolutely no one is ever insulted by a the response of someone else as can be seen with the efforts of leftist students to squash the speeches of anyone that would dare give them a conservative point of view. And any minority view that might be oppressed is a cause to champion to the point of making the average person sick and tired of hearing about it and having it shoved down their throats in every television program every week.
Then the Republicans get in power and its destroy the entire system that is designed to help people who are left behind. Get rid of anything that would dare get someone through a touch stretch and get rid of all regulations that dared to keep people safe from the greed of corporations and rich scumbags. And tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts for the rich rich rich. The Republicans love to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
To whom is the average person to go?
You can choose to go to the party that wants to make everyone guilty because they don't want to go to the bathroom with the opposite sex in the next stall and wants to squash all free speech, and tell you how to spend your money. Or the party that basically wants to go back to the system of Lords having everything while the average person toils the fields to pay the Lords their demanded fee for the right to live.
What awesome choices.
I wish the new Whigs were a legitimate party...
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