Saturday, April 1, 2017

Corey Hancock is a Hero

Corey Hancock saved a baby bear that he encountered on the trail while hiking. He carried the bear two miles and then drove it to a wildlife center.

People are getting on him for disturbing the bear. For crying out loud the bear was going to die. He did the right thing by taking it somewhere where it could be helped.

They want to follow the letter of the law which would be a fine and jailtime. His crime, he helped save the bear's life.

These people that think its better to let something suffer to preserve nature need help. They think its better to just step over top of the bear and leave it there to die a slow agonizing death of starvation. They're the same people who want to get up in arms over Sea World, Zoos and other similar places. They want to free the animals...

Animals have a longer life in captivity. There's a reason cats outside live about 4 or 5 years and inside cats live 10 to 15.

But no the fantatics want animals to be in nature so we aren't going to be able to see Shamu soon. Thanks to fanatics Sea World has stopped breeding them and of course catching them. All for fanatics who want to free the killer whales so they can go out and probably be hunted.

If it so offends you that animals that are getting pampered are up for display, then don't go. But go find something else to do with your time then ruining the world for the rest of us.

Oh and for the nature fanatics, humans are part of nature too. Just because we build houses and buildings and roads doesn't mean we aren't part of nature.

Being President is hard, whines Trump

I can't believe because I was in the midst of finals and missed the quote of the Year by Trump. He thought the Presidency was going to b...