Saturday, April 29, 2017

Being President is hard, whines Trump

I can't believe because I was in the midst of finals and missed the quote of the Year by Trump. He thought the Presidency was going to be easy.

Nevermind the fact that every President in history has come out of the job looking like they aged 40 years. Think about the pictures of LIncoln before the Presidency and the year he was shot. He looked like a different person.

Or more recently the young blacked haired Obama with the one that left with gray hair. Or Clinton.

Or Bush II

Bush I actually remained pretty consistent.

But he thought the Presidency was going to be easy... And the winner of idiot of the year goes to Donald Trump.

What a dumb ass...

Monday, April 24, 2017

The Polls are in and its not rosy for the Democrats

So new polls show that 28% of Americans think the Democrats are in touch with the Average person. And 67% say it is out of touch with the average person. Only 52% of Democrats say the party is in touch with their concerns. 44% said it was out of touch with them. 18% thought the party was in touch with the average person. Independents say the party is 75% out of touch and 18% in touch.

In contrast, 32% think the Republicans are in touch with the average person and 62% say it is out of touch. 60% of Republicans think it is in touch and 30% say it is out of touch. Independents say it is 68% out of touch and 26% in touch.

So why is there such a large segment of the population who think both parties are out of touch? Because the parties are controlled by the fringes now. The center has lost control of the parties with the purges of the moderates in the early 2010s. Its now a seasaw of extremism.

The Democrats get in power and they want to hold everyone's hands and keep them safe from themselves. Like they want to make soft drinks taxed and force people to pay for health insurance. They also want to make sure that absolutely no one is ever insulted by a the response of someone else as can be seen with the efforts of leftist students to squash the speeches of anyone that would dare give them a conservative point of view. And any minority view that might be oppressed is a cause to champion to the point of making the average person sick and tired of hearing about it and having it shoved down their throats in every television program every week.

Then the Republicans get in power and its destroy the entire system that is designed to help people who are left behind. Get rid of anything that would dare get someone through a touch stretch and get rid of all regulations that dared to keep people safe from the greed of corporations and rich scumbags. And tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts for the rich rich rich. The Republicans love to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

To whom is the average person to go?

You can choose to go to the party that wants to make everyone guilty because they don't want to go to the bathroom with the opposite sex in the next stall and wants to squash all free speech, and tell you how to spend your money. Or the party that basically wants to go back to the system of Lords having everything while the average person toils the fields to pay the Lords their demanded fee for the right to live.

What awesome choices.

I wish the new Whigs were a legitimate party...

Friday, April 21, 2017

Sessions and Hawaii

Sessions can't believe that a judge on some island can overrule the President's overreach of his authority. Apparently the head of the Justice Department doesn't understand the concept of Judicial Review. That the President is not above the Court System. That he has to make his orders match the Constitution.

If Sessions finds that concept so bewildering... he should resign because he has no business in government.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

United Airlines Incident and Regulations

You undoubtedly saw the man being dragged off the flight over the weekend. United overbooked the flight and when they needed a seat, no one obliged so it was time to force the issue.

So can we see a show of hands on who thinks it should be okay for someone to be knocked out and dragged off a plane?

See? This is why regulations are a necessity in a civilized world. Otherwise these companies think they are the law and can do whatever they want.

This is why Trump's deregulation plans are insane. A government is supposed to look out for society. And its also supposed to protect the weak from the strong.

Regulations do that.

Regulations protect people from abuse.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Trump and the Bill of Rights

One of the things that Trump has consistently done since being elected President is show a complete lack of knowledge of what the Bill of Rights protect citizens from.

Case in point, freedom of Speech. A lot of people seem to think that freedom of Speech means that you can attack anyone or anything and not face any consequences. No. Freedom of Speech means that a citizen has the right to say what they want about the government and the people running it. It means that the government and the people running it can't do a damn thing about what the person said.

Now a few months ago, Meryl Streep launched an attack on Trump. His response was to criticize Streep. Which was a violation of Streep's freedom of speech because the government is not suppose to try to curtail the exercising of a citizen's right to freedom of speech.

Another example is when he tweeted his nonsense about SNL not being fair and what about his freedom of speech. Considering that freedom of speech gives people the right to criticize the government and nothing more, his statement was moronic. The President certainly could use it to criticize himself but I find that unlikely.

Next we have his attack on the Press with his continued proclamations that it is fake news. Once again this is a violation of the freedom of the press. The government has no business sitting in judgment of how the Press operates. It also has no business only talking to one outlet as they tend to do with Fox News. Refusing to let networks tape a press conference... that seems like a violation to me.

And now he's trying to uncover the identities of twitter users who are criticizing him. The poor baby. But once again as United States citizens they have the right to criticize him. And as long as they perform their jobs, their views of him and his mediocre job he's doing is irrelevant.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Senate and the Nuclear Option

Everyone acts as though the Senate use of the Nuclear option has changed the role that will be played in the future for Supreme Court Justices. That changed over a year ago when the so called Senate majority leader decided that he would not accept the nomination of Garland from Obama because there was less than a year to the election.

What do you think is going to happen the next time the Senate and the executive branch are on opposite sides of the political fence? Do you think a Republican president will ever get a nominee through a Democratically controlled Senate again? Or vice versa?

No the Senate was radically changed a year ago. From now on the only way the Senate will confirm judicial nominees is if the same party controls both.

This is a win for extremists and another blow to Centrists and bipartisanship.

Garland was probably the best nominee in decades because he was a Centrist and he wasn't even allowed a vote.

Populists Abandon Trump

The airstrike in Syria is causing populists to abandon Trump. They just don't know what to think of him now. A populist is supposed to be concerned about the ordinary person.

And a strike in Syria is what makes them abandon Trump?

Not the fact that his budget proposal is all for screwing ordinary people?

Not that his primary motivation seems to be tax cuts for the wealthy?

Not that one of his reasons for picking people for his cabinet seemed to be how many billions do they have?

Not that services to middle and lower classes are being cut to the extreme?

Not that the air normal people breath is no longer going to be protected by the EPA so the rich can profit by desecrating the environment?

Not that ordinary people will lose their health insurance?

None of that matters to populist but him attacking those who gas normal people does... Oookaaaay...

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Ivanka Trump doesn't know what complicit means

If its true she doesn't know what complicit means, then I would suggest that she has no business being anywhere near the government of the United States. I also would suggest that she head to school under another name so that maybe she would learn important things like what words mean. And perhaps history as well. Such as what happens when there are no regulations of business.

Its a shame Theodore Roosevelt Republicans are dead...

And she needs to do it under another name in order to avoid having everything handed to her like silver spooned idiots always do.

Those that live with a silver spoon in their mouth should never be allowed anywhere near government. They view everyone as beneath them and nothing more than serfs.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Corey Hancock is a Hero

Corey Hancock saved a baby bear that he encountered on the trail while hiking. He carried the bear two miles and then drove it to a wildlife center.

People are getting on him for disturbing the bear. For crying out loud the bear was going to die. He did the right thing by taking it somewhere where it could be helped.

They want to follow the letter of the law which would be a fine and jailtime. His crime, he helped save the bear's life.

These people that think its better to let something suffer to preserve nature need help. They think its better to just step over top of the bear and leave it there to die a slow agonizing death of starvation. They're the same people who want to get up in arms over Sea World, Zoos and other similar places. They want to free the animals...

Animals have a longer life in captivity. There's a reason cats outside live about 4 or 5 years and inside cats live 10 to 15.

But no the fantatics want animals to be in nature so we aren't going to be able to see Shamu soon. Thanks to fanatics Sea World has stopped breeding them and of course catching them. All for fanatics who want to free the killer whales so they can go out and probably be hunted.

If it so offends you that animals that are getting pampered are up for display, then don't go. But go find something else to do with your time then ruining the world for the rest of us.

Oh and for the nature fanatics, humans are part of nature too. Just because we build houses and buildings and roads doesn't mean we aren't part of nature.

Being President is hard, whines Trump

I can't believe because I was in the midst of finals and missed the quote of the Year by Trump. He thought the Presidency was going to b...